This past Mass Comm Week was my last to attend as a Bobcat student and it surely did not disappoint. Since declaring my major as advertising, I have had a number of teachers require attendance and live tweeting for mcweek. I have come to understand this mandatory request as I’ve heard from equally talented and motivational panels across the years. The first panel I was able to attend was Using Technology to Connect with the Outdoors. This was an interesting panel consisting of Whitney Bishop and Earl Nottingham of Texas Parks and Wildlife. The audience got a glimpse into some of the behind the scenes work that social media for Texas Parks and Wildlife entails. It was fascinating to see their variety of posts, ranging from quirky animal picture contests all the way to coverage of the Bastrop fires. This panel including an accidental crash of a drone was one to remember, and I am glad I was able to tweet alongside the action.

My second panel was later that evening, titled Careers in Web Development. This panel was special because it consisted of all Texas State Alumni speakers including Ashley Hebler, Josue Plaza, and Glynn Jordan. It was also interesting because it directly tied in with our Web Design class. I was pleasantly surprised at how adequately I followed the conversation given its heavy web development jargon. It was inspiring to hear from a panel so passionate in their careers, an honestly refreshing way to end the day. They were sure to leave us with plenty coding tips, but also encouraged asking questions and to not overwhelm yourself too early. Overall I was very satisfied with my last mcweek, I was able to sit in on one other panel as well as catch another on the very handy live stream. I am proud to be a member of a mass communication school that has the resources and drive to orchestrate this sort of week for its students.

Final Mass Comm Week

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