This years Mass Comm Week is the first one that I’ve gone to. I went to three different panels and I enjoyed them all. Next year I will definitely make it to more of the panels. Each different panel has so much different information that will come in good use in the future. The first panel was the Just Media Inc. with the three Austin employees. They had a lot of information that I find will be useful in the future for mass communication students. Screen Shot 2015-10-23 at 3.39.09 PM

This panel excited me for when I get my first internship. There are so many different companies out there that need people.This being a small one in Austin with a total of three employees for that site is pretty cool. Their main office is in California. But I guarantee that the office in Austin will quickly start to grow.

I also went to a panel that was presented by Chris Perez who is a part of Left/Right Media and Citygram. Chris had a good story with his presentation about how he got to where he is now. He explained the multiple different jobs that he has had to get to where he is at now. Screen Shot 2015-10-23 at 3.43.27 PM The presentation was over Entrepreneurial Thinking and when you think about it, there is a lot of different aspects to entrepreneurial thinking. Chris Perez explained how much work he has put into his career. It was very interesting. Starting a business would definitely have its ups and downs, but in the long run I bet if feels amazing.

Mass Comm Week was definitely a good time this year. The School of Journalism and Mass Communications did a good job of keeping it up. I bet I speak for most mass comm students when I say that I’m excited for next year.

Mass Comm Week

One thought on “Mass Comm Week

  • October 25, 2015 at 4:06 pm

    I attended the Entrepreneurial Thinking panel as well! I found it interesting that he was not an SJMC major in his undergrad. Also, the transition of jobs that he went through over a span of just three years proves his statement about career conformity no longer being the status quo, true.


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