For the third project my topic is make up and skin care. Even though I don’t always wear makeup I really love it, it is a fun way to creative new looks and enhance natural beauty. Along with that I’ve always had a fascination with skin and how to properly take care of it . At the age of twelve my mom sat me down and had a talk with me about the importance of skin care and once I got a little older I was introduced to makeup. My godmother is a retired makeup artist and has always let me play in her makeup so to say the least I’m passionate about this topic.
- Intro/background about my start with makeup and skin and what site has to offer
- Current makeup trends
- Importance of a skin regiment
- Product reviews
- Makeup bloopers
I think by making this page it will be a fun way to show something I’m passionate about and talk about how it has influenced me through out my life. A beauty blog is something I’ve always wanted to do and now that I have the opportunity to really customize one my taste I just can’t pass it up.