For my Bootstrap website I chose to do it on a student organization at Texas State, Feminists United. I have been a part of the organization since my freshman year and I have seen it grow in membership from a handful of members meeting at Tantra coffee shop to 30+ members gathering every Tuesday at the UAC. As our membership continues to grow I think it’s important that the organization have a consistent online presence for new and old members alike to learn about our mission, and keep up to date with our meetings and events.

The five pages I plan to have are:

  1. Home page- a basic homepage that showcases the basics of what Femu is about. Will have our organizational mission and meeting guidelines

2.  About page- will go into more depth about our organization and it’s history

3. Officer page- Femu has quite a few officers so this page will have photos of each one and a brief description of their duties along with open positions and the dates for officer elections

4. Meeting schedule – this page will have our meeting schedule, which topics we’ll be covering and why.

5. Events page- this page will showcase our various events and explain our various partnerships with other campus and national organizations.

I think Feminists United has more than enough material to make a hardy website from and it’s important to me that the organization that I’ve invested so much time in over the past 3 years have an online presence that can continue to grow as it grows.

Organization Website- Feminists United

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