Stylistic design is one of the most important aspects of creating a successful website. If your design is pleasing to the eye it will have the effect of causing people to stay on your website longer. The first website I would like to discuss is the New York Times. I spend a lot of time reading the New York Times because I am a journalism major. When I think of the newspaper industry I immediately think of the New York Times. Their content is much more detailed than other publications, especially their international section. Their design is iconic. They have large bold headlines in italic and a very nice font style. Their photography is also iconic, sort of like Life magazine.

Another website which design I find excellent is the rollerblading magazine BeMag. This website has a main page with tile like layout. Five large photos lead you towards the article you would like to read. The website also has a video section that is updated daily. Providing current content is essential to driving traffic to your page. The third feature I love about this page is that it contains a message board. Interaction is a perfect example of how to create a following.

I love the New York Times. I usually find myself hating mainstream media because of all of the mud slinging and agenda setting, but The New York Times is one of the best news sources that actually reports the NEWS!!!!!