I deeply wish that I was able to say that CNN or ABC News were my most favored web pages to visit on a daily basis. My mother would be so proud of that. But negative on all of the above. I bask in the glory that Buzzfeed offers me every day. The homepage is so cluttered, all over the place, and to be quite honest, a hot mess. Some might not appreciate this, but my disorganized, ADD mind adores it.
See what I mean? The way Buzzfeed is arranged is like my cocaine! As far as the content of the site, who wouldn’t want to see a chicken on a cat? Or spend two minutes of your uneventful day finding out that Lindsay Lohan could have a great moment in anything else besides a court room. This is all information that you need to be well informed of to survive in life.
Also, never forget the fact that you can have full access to Buzzfeed on your very own mobile device. You are all welcome.
Buzzfeed is one of my favorite websites despite the chaotic mess of its layout. I enjoy the content Buzzfeed provides, but their website could us a more functional update. The home page of Buzzfeed is set-up in a confusing manner, so maybe they could find a better way to display all of the content they have. The navigation bar is not really helpful for this site either, so maybe if both aspects were improved on their site it would make it even better!