Hey everyone, my name is Jeffrey Hald. I am 23 years old and i am a Mass Communication major and a English minor. I am an extremely seasoned racuqetball player as I have been playing since I was 13, and competitively since I was 16. I am also a bass head as my hobby. What is that you may ask? Well if you have ever seen the videos of hair and T shirts flying around in the window because of someone’s system… That’s what I do. The pressure inside my vehicle can easily rival that of a space shuttle taking off of the launch pad as the last show I went to I was over 147 decibels. I’ll continue more about this in my website in case anyone is interested in either racquetball or car stereos.
As far as a website that I frequently visit is Stevemeadedesigns, or SMD or short. It is a place where audio enthusiasts can show/tell, educate, and be educated in the world of high end car audio. It has inspired me because of how tight the community is. I have talked with people online for years following their builds, and when finally you go to a car show and meet them and see their build its something special. You are instantly friends and it makes the whole car show experience better. Best part is we are all so willing to help each other out, almost like an extended family. If your into car stereos and you need help, for most of us, that’s all we need to know.
I’ve attached a picture of what I’ve fit into my car trunk, as a sneak peek I case anyone wants to learn more. I have tons of DIY tutorial videos, build log pictures, and videos of car shows that I’ll be sharing this semester so I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do!
Jeffrey, I love the fact that you are passionate about something. It’s tough these days to actually find kids who pursue hobbies. I love stereo systems (within reason). I do find it incredibly rude and idiotic to play sound systems mind shatteringly loud, but if it’s in the proper setting and not while your driving publicly then it’s super cool to see the power come out of those sub woofers at those shows.
Much appreciated Chris! My system is more then just loud. It has about 300 lbs of sound dampening, so most of it can not be heard outside the car even with the windows down. It’s also a sound quality system with a full 3 way active set up. To put it in English, you will be able to close your eyes and imagine the singer on stage (on my dash) and see the drummer in the background, and the lead guitar off to the left or right… It’s made to sound like a live performance.
I agree, the people with the rattling trunks are not up my ally. I almost never play mine in an inappropriate settings. I only play mine when moving so that others have a chance to be away from my car (not at stop lights like some people) or if I’m at a show.
Keep tuned as I will be talking much more about audio, with pictures and videos to back it up. Also if anyone wants to experience one of these vehicles, I love showing people who have interest in my hobby
– jeffrey hald
I enjoyed reading your blog post, although I don’t know much of anything about altering stereo systems in vehicles. I am a huge fan of vintage stereo equipment for the home though, and collect music has a hobby. I was also wondering if there are any racquetball facilities on campus? I don’t have much experience in that though but have played years ago.
-Andrew Blanton
Well the stereo side of my interest is MUCH deeper and more elaborate then the bass portion. If you have any interest in the accurate production of live music and how to replicate that I can definitely keep up in a conversation.
As far as racquetball, we have multiple facilities on campus. One over by the river inside jowers, with 10 racquetball courts. The other is inside the rec with 5 racquetball courts. The racquetball club meets every Monday and Thursday at the Rec from 6-8pm if you ever want to see some high end racquetball at the collegiate level.
-jeffrey hald