Hello classmates! My name is Chasity, I’m a virgo, I take short walks to the fridge, I’m a Public Relations major with a digital media concentration and I’m minoring in pop culture. My hobbies include breathing and petting my dog. I’m taking this class because I’m genuinely interested in learning some coding and the “behind the scenes” of  websites and how they’re published. I figured the skills I’m learning will help me with my career and my digital presence. I’m hoping to learn a little more about HTML-which I’m sure we will- and a few other programs like photoshop.

I tend to visit this cool website called Netflix a lot. You may have heard of it. I really like the orderliness of it and how it remembers previous movies or TV shows watched so that the recommendations are tailored to your tastes. I also like that multiple people can have different accounts per credit card so that when they watch a movie or TV show, it does not affect where you stopped watching it. There is also a kids section so that the younger viewers won’t stumble upon something unsuitable.


My Netflix Page
My Netflix Page


Chasity Chapman
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3 thoughts on “Chasity Chapman

  • September 4, 2015 at 5:59 am

    I don’t know why no one has commented of your post, you’re hilarious. Awesome post!

  • September 4, 2015 at 5:59 pm

    Chasity, I am also a virgo! Woo. So cool. Very awesome. Anyway, I also have a Netflix addiction and I really appreciate all of their updates to make the website more organized and streamlined.

  • September 6, 2015 at 10:38 pm

    Chasity, I feel you girl. Netflix is amazing, I spend way to much time on it. Burn through season like that (Orange is the New Black is my fave netflix series) then realize it’s 3 am and I have class at 9. Who needs TV when you can have (nearly) unlimited shows/movies for like $10 a month?


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